Discharge //
Thank you for coming to our Emergency Department for your care today. Please ask your nurse or provider if you have questions about your care today and do not leave until all your questions have been answered. You were evaluated in the emergency department for an abscess. Your abscess was drained in the Emergency Department. You will need to change your dressing every 24 hours. Please keep the areas surrounding the abscess clean and dry. Please take your antibiotics as prescribed. Follow up with your primary care physician within 2 days for a wound check. If you do not have a primary doctor, you can call your insurance company to find one. If you do not have insurance, you can look for a free local clinics or go to the finance/registration department for more assistance. Return to the Emergency Department if you experience worsening pain, fevers greater than 100.4, an increase in area of redness, increased tenderness/warmth around the abscess, an unusual smell coming from the abscess, or any other questions or concerns.
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