History and Physical //
presents with shortness of breath. Patient's history is significant for _. Patient first noticed increased shortness of breath _. Shortness of breath has been progressive_. Denies alleviating or exacerbating factors_. Denies similar episodes in past. Denies changes in position. Denies pleurisy. Denies chest pain, abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting. Denies fevers._ Denies home oxygen requirement or increase in oxygen requirement._ Denies recent travel. Denies sick contacts_. Denies upper respiratory symptoms, including productive cough, hematemesis, sore throat or runny nose._ Denies lower extremity edema, swelling, asymmetry or pain._ Denies history of DVT/PE. Denies known malignancy or hypercoagulable state. Denies smoking or OCP use. Patient has been compliant with home medications.
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