MDM //
with isolated episode of binocular_ diplopia now resolved with nonfocal neuro exam with low suspicion for TIA. Patient with minimal neurovascular/CVA risk factors and with prompt follow up with neurology already arranged. Low suspicion given exam and history for CNS or facial infection including meningitis or cavernous sinus thrombosis (no facial tenderness, ptosis and no limitation of CN III, IV, V, VI) , aneursym (no e/o CN III palsy, headache, no personal or family history). No e/o Horner's syndrome or inflammatory process (i.e. GBS/MF, myasthenia, or temporal arteritis). Exam and history with no overt e/o monocular diplopia with low suspicion for acute media or refractive pathology, optic neuritis, or uveitis.
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