MDM //
Cystitis otherwise healthy presents with dysuria for [XXX]. She denies back pain, fevers, chills, abdominal pain, abnormal vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, bowel changes, STD risk factors. Exam and history concerning for cystitis. She is not septic, doubt pyelonephritis, PID, kidney stone, or other acute abdominal etiology. No history resistant bacteria, diabetes. UA reveals UTI. Will treat with antibiotics. Pyelo otherwise healthy presents with dysuria for [XXX]. She endorses back pain, fevers, chills. She denies abdominal pain, abnormal vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, bowel changes, STD risk factors. Exam and history concerning for pyelonephritis. Doubt PID, kidney stone, or other acute abdominal etiology. Otherwise well-appearing on exam. No history of diabetes, immunosuppression. Doubt appendicitis, cholecystitis, or acute abdominal etiology. UA reveals UTI. Will treat with antibiotics.
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