Physical Exam //
MSKT: Able to BW ***, limping favoring *** leg *** LE: Hip *** pain on ROM, PROM/contralateral side: Flex *** / *** IR *** / *** ER *** / *** AB *** / *** Knee *** effusion, ROM ***, stable on varus/valgus stress, cruciates/collaterals intact *** McMuray ***, Lachman's ***, patella apprehension *** Ankle/foot *** swelling, ankle *** ROM, subtalar joint *** ROM B/L LE: TTP/swelling *** , erythema/warm *** , skin *** intact Compartments are soft with no pain to PROM Sensitivity and motor function are *** intact Peripheral circulation: capillary refill 1-5 toes <2 sec Lumbar spine/SIJ *** TTP/paravert musc spasm, *** deformity, ROM ***, SIJ *** TTP; DTR *** , SRL *** , Babinski neg
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