Physical Exam //
MENTAL STATUS EXAMINATION: Appearance: Well-groomed and appearing stated age. Sitting upright in a chair. Behavior: Calm, cooperative, and friendly with good eye contact. Motor: No psychomotor agitation, retardation, or tremor. Sitting calmly. Speech: Regular rate, rhythm, and prosody. Mood: Denies depression. Affect: Euthymic with appropriate range. Affect Concordant with endorsed mood. Thought Process: Linear, logical, and goal oriented. Thought Content:No delusions Denies visual hallucinations. He does report auditory hallucinations. No SI, no HI. Orientation: The patient is awake and fully conversational. Concentration and Attention: Good Intellect and Fund of Knowledge: Good, as evidenced by the patient's knowledge of his medications and ability to recite his psychiatric history.
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